A joint DMT-LB projectLiving and shaping diversity

Humanity, appreciation, attitude and cooperation are the guiding principles that we would like employees and students of THGA to practise and share. Every individual is unique and thus ensures diversity in our society. The concept of diversity takes up this uniqueness and advocates the recognition and appreciation of all people. Therefore, diversity concerns everyone!
In order to sustainably anchor appreciative interaction in all areas of DMT-LB as the owning company of THGA and the German Mining Museum Bochum, a working group was set up in 2021 under the motto "AUSBlick", i.e. outlook, which is dedicated to the diversity-relevant topics of all interest groups. AUSBlick - that stands for "Enlighten - Point out differences - Keep an eye on social responsibility".
Why diversity matters
Diversity makes companies more innovative and sustainable.
Diversity helps to discover commonalities and to grow from them.
Diversity aims to treat all people equally.
Social barriers can be overcome if we are willing to learn new things.
Prospects and developments
Since it was founded, the working group AUSBlick has been helping to surface taboo topics, highlighting differences in the context of all diversity dimensions and bringing social responsibility into focus for everyone - for a fair coexistence. An important milestone were workshops and participatory activities around Diversity Day 2021, focusing on topics such as "participation, ethnic origin and nationality" and "gender and social identity". In addition to webinars and workshops, a quiz and even a virtual exhibition were organised. The evaluation results show that awareness was raised especially of one's own privileges in society; the seminars were seen as convincing not only in terms of content but also in terms of education.
AUSBlick 2021 also focused on the topics of religion and worldview. Since then, employees and students have been informed about well-known religions and their diverse holidays in a monthly rhythm. The postings convey knowledge about such holidays and how they are celebrated.

What do we actually do to live diversity?
The working group acts based on the Charta of diversity and the diversity dimensions listed there.
The most recent project we lanuched is the working group gemischte Tüte, literally a mixed bag of people, consisting of students at THGA and trainees at the German Mining Museum. Their aim is to launch public events which will help diversity issues to gain momentum. Here you can find more information.
For its participation in the 10th German Diversity Day, THGA was awarded a certificate by the organisers "Charta der Vielfalt". The group which participated was our mixed bag "Gemischte Tüte", and you can find the certificate under Downloads.
Working group AUSBlick | Team "Gemischte Tüte" (Mixed Bag) |
ausblick[at]thga.de | ausblick[at]thga.de |
Phone: 0234-968-3659 | Phone: 0234-968-3378 |
- Diversity_Urkunde.pdf[Übersetzen nach: English] Auszeichnung für die Teilnahme am 10. Deutschen Diversity-Tag. pdf, 362 KB