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How to get hereHow to get here and find your way on the campus


Postal address

Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola
Herner Str. 45
44787 Bochum, Germany


How to get to THGA

By public transport

Starting at Bochum Hauptbahnhof - Central Station, take the underground train U35 CampusLinie towards Herne and align at the stop "Deutsches Bergbaumuseum" (the second stop after Central Station). Leave towards the rear of the train and follow the signs to the exit "Technische Hochschule".

By car

Take the motorway A 40. Take the exit "Bo-Zentrum" and follow the signs to Bochum Zentrum. You are already on Herner Straße. Follow the street until you come to a railway underpass and, immediately after this, turn right into Georg-Agricola-Weg. This is where you can find the entrance to the unversity car park. (Please press the button at the barrier to contact the reception.)

From the city centre

If you come from the city centre, take the ring road Ostring/Nordring from Central Station until you reach Dorstener Straße. Turn right and turn right again immediately into Theodor-Imberg-Straße. At end of this street there is the entrance to the unversity car park. Please press the button at the barrier to contact the reception.

Campus map

Building 1

  • President (Main entrance: R016)
  • Career Service (Main entrance R019)
  • Student Services (Main entrance: R026/R027)
  • University Computer Centre (Main entrance: R302 – R306)
  • Central Study Advice (Main entrance: R024)
  • Project FIETE (Main entrance: R019)
  • Geo-resources and Process Engineering (Main entrance: R321)
  • University Communications (Entrance B: R002)
  • Student Marketing (Entrance B: R002)
  • Lab for Surveying Engineering (Entrance B: K07)
  • Lab for Geo-Technology and Post-Mining (Entrance K)
  • Physics Lab (Entrance J: R103–105)
  • Administration Student Accommodation (Entrance J: RK018)
  • #THGA MakerSpace (Main entrance: R006)

Building 2

  • Research Center of Post-Mining (Floors 1 and 2)
  • Geo-Engineering and Post-Mining (Floors 2 and 3)
  • Geo-Technology and Applied Geology (Floor 3)

Building 3

  • Mechanical Engineering and Material Sciences (Entrance C1, R102)
  • Lab for Reciprocating Engines and Turbo-engines (Entrance C3)
  • Lab for Manufacturing Technology (Entrance C1)
  • Lab for Material Technology (Entrance C2)
  • Lab for Mechanical Processing Technology (Entrance C4)
  • Lab for Rocks and Soils - Mineral Construction Materials (Entrance C1)
  • AStA Office (Entrance C)
  • Students' Hub and Cafeteria (Entrance C)

Building 7

  • Electrical Engineering/Information Technology and Business Engineering (Entrance E: R128)
  • Lab for automation engineering (Entrance E: R202)
  • Lab for Digital Signal Processing (Entrance E: R202)
  • Lab for Electrical engines and Drives (Entrance E: R001)
  • Lab for Electrical Measuring and Switching Technology (Entrance G: R008)
  • Lab for Control and Regulation Technology (Entrance E: R203)
  • Lab for Performance Eletronics and High-voltage Technology (Entrance E: R001)
  • Lab for Micro-processor Technology (Entrance E: R201)
  • Lab for Digital Technology (Entrance E: R103)
  • Lab for Smart Buildings (Entrance E: R118)
  • MSR Lab (Entrance F)
  • Lab for Future Energies (Entrance F)

Building 8

  • Library (Entrance H: R005)
  • International Office (Entrance H: R306)
  • Lab for Transportation Technology (Entrance H: R212)
  • Lab for Thermal and Chemical Processing (Entrance H: RS01)
  • Lab for Information Technology (Entrance H: R314)
  • Lab for Software Technology (Entrance H: R303)

Building Westhoffstraße

  • PROLAB Product + Production
  • Students' accommodation

Campus map