Projects of Geo-Resources and Process Engineering
At THGA, a whole range of researchers investigates the sustainable extraction and processing of mineral resources such as rocks and soils in deposits close to the surface, e.g. granite, limestone and sand which are indispensable in industrial manufacturing. The principle of sustainability includes the entire process of value creation, from exploring deposits to extraction methods protecting the environment to mastering the impact of post-mining. Our study programmes Geo-Technology and Applied Geology, Civil and Environmental Geo-Engineering; Mineral Resource Engineering and Sustainable Resource Management; Process Engineering; Surveying Engineering; Geo-Engineering and Post-Mining, and Mineral Resource and Process Engineering allow students to explore these issues and to develop exciting research projects – often as early as their final theses. Moreover, THGA cooperates with partners of the industry and develops innovative solutions for the perpetual tasks of our mining legacy in its globally unique Research Center of Post-Mining.