Master in Geo-Engineering and Post-Mining

Mining leaves an impact, and managing this impact responsibly and sustainably is one of the huge challenges in mining regions across the globe. This is particularly true for Germany, where subsidised hard-coal mining ceased in 2018, but generally applies to all kinds of mineral resource extraction and production.
Measures of preservation, safeguarding, reconstruction and redevelopment are required to enable effective risk control at former mining sites. The development of future use opens sustainable prospects for the regions concerned.
These are the challenges that students of Geo-Engineering and Post-Mining learn to tackle. In this Master programme – which is the only one of its kind in Germany – we qualify engineers to plan measures and manage the complex challenges caused by the closure of mines and the resulting after-closure procedures. The programme combines scientific and engineering qualifications at the intersection of mine surveying, land surveying and geo-engineering.
This Master programme is supported by the foundation RAG-Stiftung which sponsors a foundation professorship.
THGA is a state-accredited university and does not charge tuition fees. The only contribution due is a small fee for the use of university facilities and public transport in NRW.
Facts and figures – overview
Master of Engineering (M.Eng.)
Master degrees obtained at universities of applied sciences fulfil the education requirements of higher public service.
The degree also enables graduates to pursue a cooperative PhD degree.
Part-time: 6 semesters
Generally also possible in 4 semesters (full-time)
Programme start:
Winter semester
If you plan to enrol in the summer semester, please contact our study advisor.
Entry requirements:
A first-level university degree qualifying for a relevant profession in engineering or science (Bachelor or German Diplom). The study course must comprise at least 180 CP and be completed with an overall degree of 3.0 or higher. Individual applications may be successful if other university degrees have been obtained; please contact your study advisor. The Master programme is taught entirely in German. Proof of C1 must be provided.
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Tobias RudolphHead of the study program
- Tobias.Rudolph[at]
- Telephone
- +49 234 968-3682
- Office
- G2 R101

Roland JoostenStudent counsellingProgramme study advice Geo-Engineering and Post-Mining
- Roland.Joosten[at]
- Telephone
- +49 234 968-3283
- Office
- G2 R209