Studying part-time at THGA

One key advantage of studying at THGA is the opportunity to study part-time – without any additional fees. Course and lectures are taught in the evenings and at weekends, something which allows for a better balance of work, university and family life. People who are already in service or who are doing an apprenticeship or training have the change to study in addition to their job and to pursue new career opportunities in engineering. The part-time model is also the perfect choice for students who are not able to study full-time – e.g. because they need to take care of their own family. The face-to-face lessons at the campus are supplemented by up-to-date forms of e-learning. Students learn in small groups and are tutored and supported by lecturers not only with an academic background but also one in business life. That is why our courses offer so many practical modules, too: the combination of theory and practice is at the heart of our teaching philosophy.
At the moment, the part-time mode is available in these Bachelor programmes:
- Applied Material Sciences
- Electrical Engineering, major General Electrical Engineering
- Mechanical Engineering, major Production and Quality Management
- Process Engineering
- Surveying Engineering
Moreover, all Master programmes offered at THGA are available as part-time courses.
Please note: THGA has launched a project called Hidden Champions to explicitly encourage future specialists and leaders to take on a part-time study programme in addition to their job. We also advise companies on how to do that. You can find all details of this project here.
Studying part-time: FAQs
Part-time courses are typically taught at a) three to four evenings per week or b) two to three evenings per week plus one Saturday morning. Evening course are scheduled between 17.15 and 22.00. On average, you can expect an amount of 16-18 lessons per semester week that you should attend. There are supportive e-learning modules, too, to supplement the lectures.
For most of the practical modules done in the labs and a number of seminars, attendance is compulsory to be admitted to the respective examination. Which courses are concerned is detailed in the examination regulations of each programme. Otherwise, if you miss a session, you can collect notes from fellow students to catch up on the content taught.
If you decide to do your Bachelor's degree in part-time, you can expect a regular study time of nine semesters; if you do your Master's degree in part-time, you need to plan for three to six semesters.
The admission criteria are the same as those for a full-time programme, there are no additional conditions or restrictions if you study part-time.
THGA does not charge tuition fees whether you study full-time or part-time. The only fee you need to pay is a contribution to the use of the university facilities and public transport in NRW, known as the Semester- und Sozialbeitrag; in addition, you will need to pay for photocopies, handouts and such.
The only exception is the Master programme Operational Safety Management for which a fee is charged.
Of course, part-time students also have the opportunity to attend lectures during the day where possible. The content of the course modules is usually the same and so are the exams. If you want to change a module during the semester, please check in advance of the content is taught at the same pace and in the same form or if other lecturers offer the course. In the latter case, a weekly change between full-time and part-time modules does not make sense, but if the structure is the same, you may be able to attend different sessions in different weeks.
Studying part-time does not require for you to be employed. It is simply a type of studying that allows a balance of work, university and family life as courses are offered in the evenings and at weekends. Therefore, part-time studying is not limited to the employees of a few companies. Usually, candidates consult with their employers if it is possible to support or sponsor a part-time degree. THGA does not provide contacts to companies. We are happy to consult company representatives who want employees to study part-time; you can find more information for companies here.
A permanent change from part-time to full-time and vice versa is possible when enrolling. Please the submit the respective application when you enrol for the oncoming semester.
If you need any further information on studying part-time, please contact our Central Study Advice Office.