What our students need to knowOrganising your studies
In this section, our students can find answers to all important queries on how to organise their studies.
The description mentions certain applications and forms - these are available under Downloads at the bottom of this page.
If you cannot find the answer to your question here, please contact our student service.
Information on the exams are avalaible here.

University A to Z
Change of study and exam regulations
If new study and/or exam regulations become effective after you commenced your studies, you can apply for continuing your studies according to the new regulations. This application can be done at the examination office during the time period stated on the application form. Previously achieved credits will officially be recognised by the examination board. After the credits have been entered by the examination office, you can view your acknowledged performance in your updated table of grades in the university portal. You will receive an email from the portal once this information is available.
Change of study programme
If you intend to change your study programme, you need to apply for this when re-enrolling. The exams and achievements you have rendered will be recognised on application. After the credits have been entered by the examination office, you can view your acknowledged performance in your updated table of grades in the university portal.
Change of universities
If you change from another university to study at THGA, you need to fulfil the conditions of enrolment and present the confirmation of removal from the students’ register of your previous university and a table of grades together with a document of compliance, also from your previous university. There is the option to have examinations and achievements of other universities acknowledged on application which is handled by the examination board. After the credits have been entered by the examination office, you can view your acknowledged performance in your updated table of grades in the university portal. A change of universities can only be applied for in the periods given.
Confirmation of your status as a student or your registration at THGA are available at any time under meine.thga.de: please click on Mein Studium – Studienservice – Bescheinigungen to download and print out the confirmation.
The confirmation contains details on your student ID number, your study programme, the number of semesters in this programme and the duration of your registration.
Students at German universities are required to have health insurance during their studies. Effective from 1 January 2022, a new student registration procedure does apply. Please provide your public health insurance with the sender IDH0001331; this sender ID enables the health insurance to send a digital confirmation of your insurance with them to THGA if needed.
if you have any further questions, please contact the admissions office.
Upon application students can be granted a semester leave from their studies according to Art. 9 of the matriculation rules of THGA if one of the following does apply:
- If they do voluntary military service as per the compulsory military service act or federal volunteer service as per the act on federal volunteer service
- If an illness prevents them from proper studying
- If they complete a practical training required for their studies or a practical occupational that supports the study objectives
- If they are absent from the place of study due to a research project organised by or for the benefit of THGA. This research project must not be a part of the exam performance required by the study programme
- If they are required to nurse or take care of their spouse, registered partner or child (according to Art. § 25(5) of the Federal Education and Training Assistance Act) or another first degree relative or in-law relative
- If they are not able to fully render the study performance expected as they are pregnant or looking after pre-school children (according to Art. § 25(5) of the Federal Education and Training Assistance Act)
- If they are not able to render the study performance expected due to an economic hardship unless leave was already granted for the previous semester for the same reason.
- If they are taking on a role in bodies of the university or students’ representation which prevents them from rendering the study performance expected; however, the maximum leave to be granted in this case is two semesters.
- If they intend to study abroad.
- If they are able to present other reasons of similar importance for a leave and provide sufficient evidence.
Usually leave is granted for one semester and needs to be applied for within the re-enrolment period at the admissions office. The leave is then granted instead of the re-enrolment. It is not permitted to grant a leave on past periods. The application for leave of absence can be submitted via meine.thga.de. You can find the instructions here.
Students on leave are not entitled to participate in courses, write term papers etc., gain exam prerequisites, credit points and such (cf. § 64(2,2) HG) or take exams. This rule does not apply if the leave was granted for reasons of pregnancy, caring for or education of children or the nursing of spouses, partners or first-degree relatives (and in-laws) or for reasons of economic hardship. This rules does also not apply if the student resits exams they failed to pass or student credits acquired abroad or in a practical training.
It is the student’s own responsibility to clarify with the authority in charge any impact that the leave granted may have on the students’ financial situation such as students’ grants, child benefit, student health insurance etc.
All students are required to re-enrol for the oncoming semester. This re-enrolment has to be done with the re-enrolment periods determined by THGA. If fail to re-enrol in time, you will be removed from the students’ register to the end of this semester. At the same time, your semester ticket will no longer be valid, and you will not have access to the university’s IT services. You also need to re-enrol if you are going to take your final examination after the ongoing semester comes to an end.
You will be re-enrolled automatically as soon as you have paid the fullsemester contribution within the period stated per bank transfer and, if needed, as soon as you have submitted any documents necessary (certificates of practical exercises, current confirmation of student status and table of grades) You cannot pay for your semester contribution in the admissions office (i.e., no card payment or cash payment possible). After your re-enrolment has become active, your student ID card is renewed automatically.
If we have not received your payment, we will inform you of that in due time. After your re-enrolment has been successful, you can view this in the university portal at meine.thga.de and download your confirmation of student status there. The general instructions on how to use this portal will tell you where to find this function.
Information for re-registration for the summer semester 2024 can be found here.
Please use the form provided to inform THGA of a change of your major, study programme, study regulations etc. before your re-enrolment. In the case your address has changed, please add your new address under meine.thga.de . Follow the path of Mein Studium – Studierendenservice – Meine Daten.
The registration number is your personal student ID number which is assigned to you during your entire studies at THGA. You will receive this number when your enrol with THGA at the beginning of your studies. Please make sure that you note and memorise this number as you will be asked for it at different occasions.
Once the student is removed from the register of students maintained by THGA, they are no longer members of the university and their studies here have finished. The removal is done automatically, for example, in cases where the student:
- passed the final examination
- ultimately did not pass a specialist exam or the final exam
- did not properly re-enrol within the periods and deadlines given
- has not presented the documents relevant to the studies even on request
- has not paid the compulsory fees and contributions
Moreover, any student can be removed from the register of students at their own request. This is basically possible at any time during your studies and can be submitted at meine.thga.de. You can find the instructions here. It usually takes 7-10 days to process your request and we kindly ask you to consider this period in your plans.
The Deutschlandticket will be introduced at the THGA from summer semester 2024.
With the digital semester ticket (Deutschlandticket), you will be able to use public transport throughout Germany from 1 March 2024. To download the semester ticket, log in at: https://www.thga.de/ticket with your combination of student email address and password. Please note the information sheet with further information on downloading your ticket.
Further information on the fare regulations can be found at: https://www.vrr.de/de/tickets-tarife/deutschlandticket/
Please note: Your student ID card is not valid as proof of your travel authorisation. You must download your semester ticket via the RIDE portal in order to use public transport.
In the summer semester 2024, the semester fee is 206.40 euros. It is made up of the amount for the Deutschlandticket (176.40 euros) and the contribution to the student body (30 euros).
Second-year students or students on leave of absence do not receive a semester ticket and are exempt from the corresponding costs.
You will receive your student ID card on the day of your enrolment. This ID card contains not only your name and your student ID number: it also works as the electronic semester ticket for public transport, the access rights to university buildings and library information. At every re-enrolment, the validity of your ID card is renewed for the current semester.
If your student ID card gets lost or damaged, you can apply for a new one using the form provided.
If your student ID card expires soon, a new one will be automatically sent to you in due time.
If you have any questions concerning the student ID card, you will find the answers on the different support forums on, Moodle, our learning platform.
Forms Organising your studies
- Application for a new Student ID Cardpdf, 158 KB
- Application for regulation changepdf, 81 KB
- Application for change of study coursepdf, 90 KB