Our team "Gemischte Tüte"
The group "Gemischte Tüte" (mixed bag) consists of students at THGA and trainees of the German Mining Museum in Bochum. Their auim os to launch public events which will help the different diversity topics to gain momentum. if you want to know more about the team, you can visit them on Instagram.
In May 2022 the team got into action for the first time and decided to do more than joining the German Diversity Day 2022: the group strives for making the company's own diversity more visible.
"Our world is full of diversity. We really need to listen to each other. " (Timm E. Luka, intern at the German Mining Museum Bochum)
"The corner stone of our team is more tolerance and less prejudice. " (Hatim El Ouahabi, student at THGA)
"We want to enable diversity and encounters between people." (Fahed Alhaffar, student at THGA)
"Together we will all gain more knowledge, experience and new perspectives." (Alisa Kneip, student at THGA)
"All diversity dimensions are important and what makes us unique." (Isabel Prins, student at THGA)
"We want to develop new concepts and look at topics that matter to people. " (Nadija El Achouri, student at THGA)
Our diversity contest "The mystery of diversity" was a great success. many employees and students took part and learned more about diversity. We would like to thank you for your positive feedback.
The benches of diversity
The next project should be something that is visible and invites people to deal with the topic of diversity on a regular basis. For this reason, the project "The Benches of Diversity" was started. The park benches are supposed to symbolise "diversity as unity" and "sustainability as a goal".
What exactly is it about? Watch the video. Here's a first impression.
Until now you could find them in front of House 7, the two old weathered park benches. Scarred by wind and weather, their best days were already behind them. This is about to change, because the "Gemischte Tüte" team, with the support of the German Mining Museum Bochum, has set about restoring the park benches to their former glory. You can marvel at the result both on campus and on the THGA's Instagram channel.
Old, weathered and colourless wooden boards have now been transformed into two bright benches, Barbara and Georg. They are intended to show that the topic of diversity is important at DMT-LB. The benches were unveiled by Managing Director Ulrich Wessel and Works Council Chairwoman Dr. Christiane Scholz. QR codes have also been engraved in the names of the benches, and the codes lead to the websites of "Gemischte Tüte" and "Diversity at THGA". Here, you can find out about new diversity topics or the exciting activities of Gemischte Tüte. You see, the benches are not only colourful and eye-catching, centrally located and visible to all on campus, but in the best case, they also encourage people to think. This project has met with a lot of approval among the staff. There was plenty of positive feedback via Instagram and internal channels. The "mixed bag" team has successfully used these benches to achieve its goal of creating more awareness for diversity issues.