This section provides an overview of the electronic media, in particular e-books and articles in journals and periodicals, which you can retrieve via THGA.

ProQuest EbookCentral
Access via Shibboleth authentification to individual e-books that have been acquired by the library from different publishers (titles are also indexed in the library catalogue).
- Open Access
Click here to retrieve Open Access content.

Until 31.12.2023 access is provided to all e-media which are marked as acquired on this platform (e-books of numerous publishers, not indexed in the library catalogue). Can be read online in your browser, individual chapters available for download.
How to register to Shibboleth outside the campus: click on "log in" in the top right corner, select "THGA Bochum" in the search box on the next page and the log in with your university credentials.

Beck eLibrary
25 titles are available from the series "Literatur Sachbuch Wissenschaft/LSW" (literature - non-fiction - science, mainly arts and social studies).
The titles are indexed in the library catalogue, access to the Beck eLibrary on the campus or via VPN.

Bloomsbury Collections
Different fields of studies, only little technical literature.
Full text access until 31.12.2023 on campus or via Shibboleth.
You can find the help page here.

De Gruyter
Until 31.12.2023 full text access to more than 80,000 e-books of deGruyter publisher and its partner publishers (not indexed in library catalogue).
Outside the campus, register using Shibboleth: click "log in" in the top right corner and enter the name "THGA Bochum" in the search box "Find your institution". Below the search box, a link will appear that takes you to the log-in box for THGA. Then you can log in on the Shibboleth registration page using your university credentials.
- Open Access
Here you can retrieve Open Access content.

Duncker & Humblot eLibrary
Until 31.12.2023 full text access to more than 11,000 e-books (not indexed in library catalogue).
Outside the campus, register using Shibboleth: click "log in" in the top right corner and enter the name of our university in the search box "Find your institution". Below the search box, a link will appear that takes you to the log-in box for THGA. Then you can log in on the Shibboleth registration page using your university credentials.

Hanser eLibrary
Until 31.12.2023 full text access to more than 2,00 ebooks (many titles from engneering and economics).
Access on campus or via Shibboleth authentification, please enter "THGA Bochum" in the search box "Find your institution".

Titles of Herdt publisher
Members of THGA have access to all titles published by Herdt (initially up to end of 2021). MMore than 850 digital offers on IT topics can be downloaded, copied, presented and combined.

Meiner eLibrary
Until 31.12.2022 full text access to more than 1,000 e-books (philosophy texts only). Access possible via campus network or Shibboleth.

Nomos eLibrary
Permanent full text research on all content published before 2023 by Nomos and its partner publishers; individual titles are indexed in the library catalogue; access via Shibboleth.

ScienceDirect (Elsevier)
Until 30.04.2024 limited full text access to more than 22,000 titles of the Elsevier E-Book Freedom Collection 2022 and Backfile Collection (Initiative E-Books.NRW). You can access the list of titles here. You can access the collections via the campus network and VPN.
- Open Access
Here you can retrieve Open Access content.
The titles are not indexed in the library catalogue.

Springer Nature - Academic Publishing
Access on campus or via VPN.
The titles are not indexed in the library catalogue.
- Periodicals full text
Here you can retrieve accessible full-text periodicals and journals.
- English-language e-books 2016-2023
- Here you can access the e-books. The access to ca. 80,000 English-language e-books published between 2016 and 2023 is permanently secured through the initiative E-Books.NRW.
- Individually acquired Springer e-books are available via the platform ProQuest EbookCentral. Please let us know via email if there is a title you think the library should buy.
- Open Access
Here you can retrieve Open Access content.

Access to individual e-books, e.g. those published by utb. These titles are also indexed in the library catalogue.
- Open Access
Here you can retrieve Open Access content.

Full text access of VDI Publishing and Fraunhofer IRB Publishing
Until 31.12.2023 full text access to content published by VDI and Fraunhofer IRB. At the moment, only access on campus or via VPN, not indexed in the library catalogue.

Wiley Academic Publishing
Access via the campus or VPN.
Content accessible:
- Periodicals full text
- ca. 22,000 e-books until 31.12.2023 (initiative E-Books.NRW)
The titles are not indexed in the library catalogue.