Interlibrary loans

Literature which is not indexed in the library catalogue of THGA can be ordered from other libraries in Germany via interlibrary loans. This service is available to students of THGA as well as employees of THGA/DMT-LB.
How to research
You can research such media using DigiBib.

Interlibrary loan options
Books and papers from periodicals and journals that are used for studying, teaching and researching can be ordered via interlibrary loan.
What you cannot order are media which are present in the stock of our own or another local library as well as e-books, periodicals and journals (full volumes), loose-leaf editions and final theses (graduate, bachelor and master thesis).
For each interlibrary loan we need to charge €1.50 for handling the order. You need to pay this amount when you pick up your order.
Delivery times
Order books: 7–10 working days
Ordered papers: 2–5 working days
As soon as the book or article has arrived at the THGA library, you will be informed via email and can pick up your interlibrary loan order from the borrowing desk.
ILL borrowing period
Depending on the lending library, ILL books can be borrowed usually for four weeks, but also for shorter periods in individual cases. You can apply for an extension; please contact the library staff of THGA before the regular borrowing period expires. Articles from papers come as photocopies that you can keep.
You can only return your ILL orders at the library during our opening hours.
Details needed for ILL
You need to provide for books:
- Author/writer (family name, given name)
- Title (as full text, no abbreviations)
- Place and date of publication
For articles from journals:
- Journal title
- Volume, year, year of publication and issue number
- Author/writer
- Title of article
- Pages
Please send your ILL request per email to bibliothek[at]