Master in Business Engineering

Across Germany, Business Engineering is one of the most popular study programmes; this does not come as a surprise: its graduates are among the top earners.
Business acumen is one of the key qualifications of business engineers: they understand technology and the economy, something that makes them sought after in the job market. What makes them unique is their product know-how and their sense of innovation – two qualities needed by top managers (not only) in the manufacturing industry. That is why business engineers often hold positions in management.
Therefore, this Master’s programme aims at deepening this acumen and the understanding of how social, technical and economic matters are entwined and how the constantly changing challenges of the world of work can be mastered.
Combined with your work experience, this Master's degree will qualify you to make decisions in which technical and economic queries are related: be that the selection of certain manufacturing methods, international supply and distribution of industrial goods, technical sales, product cost management or decisions against or in favour of innovative technology.
The Master's degree helps you to stand out where problem-solving skills and critical thinking are required – across the borders of economic and technical disciplines.
This programme has been designed to prepare future leaders to master the complex challenges of entrepreneurship; it also provides graduates with a wide range of academic education which helps them to pursue a career in research – e.g. by doing a cooperative PhD project – or in higher public service.
THGA is a state-accredited university and does not charge tuition fees. The only contribution due is a small fee for the use of university facilities and public transport in NRW.
Facts and figures – overview
Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Part-time: 6 semesters (evening classes)
Full-time: 4 semesters (evening classes)
Programme start/application:
Summer semester and winter semester
Entry requirements:
Obtained first-level university degree (Bachelor or German Diplom (FH)) in Technical Business Management, Business Engineering or similar
Graduates of other degree programmes in science or engineering may successfully apply if they can provide evidence of the specialist qualification needed.
The Master programme is taught entirely in German. Proof of C1 must be provided.
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Alfred NiskiHead of the study program
- Alfred.Niski[at]
- Telephone
- +49 234 968-3260
- Office
- G7 R107

Dirk ReichstädterStudent counsellingProgramme study advice Business Engineering
- Dirk.Reichstaedter[at]
- Telephone
- +49 234 968-3296
- Office
- G1 R317A