Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Hubert WelpWissenschaftsbereich Elektro-/Informationstechnik und Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen
Professor für Angewandte Informatik | Studiengangsleiter Informationstechnik und Digitalisierung (Bachelor) | Leiter des Labors Softwaretechnik

- 1963 in Bersenbrück/Niedersachsen geboren.
- 1984 bis 1988 Studium der Physik an der Universität Münster und von 1988 bis 1990 an der Universität Marburg, Diplomarbeit auf dem Gebiet der Laserspektroskopie, Abschluss als Diplom-Physiker.
- Von 1991 bis 1994 wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Universität Marburg im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes im Bereich der Quantenoptik und Anfertigung einer Dissertation zum Thema „Laserinduzierte Störungen in Dopplerverteilungen“ mit folgender Promotion.
- Von 1994 bis 1995 wiss. Mitarbeiter bei der Firma MedScience GmbH in Schwerte mit Tätigkeiten im Bereich Messgeräteentwicklung und –Kalibrierung.
- Ab 1996 Systemberater bei der IBM Global Services in Wilhelmshaven, Tätigkeiten in verschiedenen (auch internationalen) Projekten für Führungsinformationssysteme und drahtlose Echtzeitkommunikationssysteme für die Deutsche Marine als SW-Entwickler, Projektleiter, IT-Architekt und in der Qualitätssicherung.
- Seit 01.02.2004 Professor für Angewandte Informatik an der TH Georg Agricola.
Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunkte
Lehrt die folgenden Fächer:
- Informatik
- Programmierung I + II
- Softwaretechnik
- Datennetze
- Anwendung von Standardsoftware
- Angewandte Mustererkennung
- Optische Kohärenztomografie
- RFID-Anwendungsentwicklung
- SW-Engineering
- Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V. (Bonn)
- Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (Bonn)
- M. Elbel und H. Welp: Verhandlungen der DPG, München, 226 (1990)
- M. Elbel, M. Simon und H. Welp, "Hole burning and optical pumping by single-mode laser light", Quantum Opt. 2(5), 351 (1990)
- M. Elbel und H. Welp: europhysics conference abstracts, Uppsala, 257 (1990)
- M. Elbel und H. Welp: Verhandlungen der DPG, Freiburg, 700 (1991)
- M. Elbel und H. Welp: Verhandlungen der DPG, Hannover, 1223 (1992)
- M. Elbel und H. Welp, " Legendre functions and the theory of hole burning", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys 26(19), 3239 (1993)
- M. Elbel und H. Welp: Verhandlungen der DPG, Berlin, 260 (1993)
- M. Elbel und H. Welp: europhysics conference abstracts, Caen, P1-105 (1993)
- M. Elbel und H. Welp: 43. ÖPG-Jahrestagung, Graz, 136 (1993)
- M. Elbel und H. Welp: Verhandlungen der DPG, Hamburg, 699 (1994)
- W. Bestgen, M. Elbel, R. Lange und H. Welp: europhysics conference abstracts, Barcelona, 208 (1994)
- W. Bestgen, M. Elbel, R. Lange und H. Welp, " Hole-burning in atomic and ionic spectral lines", J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys 28, 2575 (1995)
- Christoph Kasseck, Volker Jaedicke, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, and Martin R. Hofmann, Frequency domain optical coherence tomography with subsequent depth resolved spectroscopic image analysis, SPIE Proceedings 7554-101 (2010)
- V. Jaedicke and C. Kasseck and N.C. Gerhardt and H. Welp and M.R. Hofmann, Spectroscopic Image Analysis with Pattern Recognition in Frequency Domain Optical Coherence Tomography, Biomedical Optics, OSA Technical Digest, BSuD8 (2010)
- Artikel in Newsletter "Lebendige Forschung an Fachhochschulen in NRW", 01/2010
- Volker Jaedicke, Christoph Kasseck, Nils Gerhardt, Martin Hofmann, Depth resolved substance identification using pattern recognition in spectroscopic frequency domain optical coherence tomography, Jahrestagung der DGBMT und 3-Länder-Tagung D-A-CH Rostock, Germany (2010)
- Volker Jaedicke, Christoph Kasseck, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, Martin R. Hofmann, Substance identification in spectroscopic optical coherence tomograhpy using pattern recognition, Frontiers in Optics, Rochester, NY, USA (2010)
- Christoph Kasseck, Volker Jaedicke, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, and Martin R. Hofmann, "Substance identification by depth resolved spectroscopic pattern reconstruction in frequency domain optical coherence tomography", Optics Communications 283, 4816-4822 (2010)
- Hubert Welp, Volker Jaedicke, Christoph Kasseck, Nils C. Gerhardt, and Martin R. Hofmann, Spectral pattern classification in optical coherence tomography, Proceedings 55.IWK 737-543 (2010)
- Artikel in fh20 Journal „Lebendige Forschung an Fachhochschulen in NRW“, 02/2010
- Volker Jaedicke, Helge Wiethoff, Semih Agcaer , Christoph Kasseck, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, Martin R. Hofmann, "Spectroscopic optical coherence tomography for substance identification" - Proc. SPIE 8091, 80911U, DOI:10.1117/12.889651 (2011)
- Semih Agcaer, Volker Jaedicke, ubert Welp, Nils Gerhardt, Martin Hofmann, “Pattern recognition in optical coherence tomography”, 45. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT), Freiburg, Germany (2011)
- Volker Jaedicke, Helge Wiethoff, Christoph Kasseck, Nils C.Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, and Martin R. Hofmann, “Optical system analysis and optimization in spectroscopic optical co-herence tomography”, 45. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Biomedizinische Technik (DGBMT), Freiburg, Germany (2011)
- Volker Jaedicke, Helge Wiethoff, Christoph Kasseck, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp and Martin R. Hofmann, “Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography for substance differentiation”,, 1st International Symposium on Optical Coherence Tomography, Ilmenau University of Technology, Germany (2011)
- Volker Jaedicke, Sebastian Goebel, Semih Agcaer, C. Kasseck, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, and Martin R. Hofmann, “Signal Processing for Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography,” in VII International Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation, Como (2012)
- Sebastian Goebel, Semih Agcaer , Volker Jaedicke, Nils C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, Martin R. Hofmann, "Signal Processing for Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography" - Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering, vol. 57, p. 4258, (2012)
- Volker Jaedicke, Semih Agcaer , Sebastian Goebel, Helge Wiethoff, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, Martin R. Hofmann, "System development for Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography" - Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering, vol. 57, p. 4245, (2012)
- Artikel in Newsletter "Lebendige Forschung an Fachhochschulen in NRW", 10/2012
- Volker Jaedicke, Semih Agcaer, Francisco E. Robles, Marian Steinert, David Jones, Sebastian Goebel, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, Martin R. Hofmann Comparison of different metrics for analysis and visualization in spectroscopic optical coherence tomography- Biomedical Optics Express, Vol. 4, Issue 12, pp. 2945-2961 (2013)
- Sebastian Goebel, Volker Jaedicke, Nektarios Koukourakis, Helge Wiethoff, Adamou Adinda-Ougba, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp , Martin R. Hofmann, “Quantitative phase analysis through scattering media by depth-filtered digital holography“, Proc. SPIE 8589, Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XX, 85891J; doi:10.1117/12.2001159 (2013)
- Hubert Welp, Volker Jaedicke, Sebastian Goebel, Semih Agcaer, Nils C. Gerhardt, Martin R. Hofmann, "Qualitative Spectral Analysis of OCT Data", Proc. of First International Symposium on Optical Coherence Tomography for Non-Destructive Testing, Linz (2013)
- Volker Jaedicke, Sebastian Goebel, Semih Agcaer , Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, Martin R. Hofmann „Contrast enhancement for scattering samples in spectroscopic optical coherence tomography using pattern recognition“ – ECBO, Munich, Germany (2013)
- Volker Jaedicke, Semih Agcaer , Sebastian Goebel, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, Martin R. Hofmann „Spectroscopic optical coherence tomography with graphics processing unit based analysis of three dimensional data sets“- Proc. SPIE 8592, Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering VII, 859215; doi:10.1117/12.2000464 (2013)
- V. Jaedicke, S. Ağcaer, S. Goebel, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and R. Martin, "Spectral analysis and spectroscopic metrics in Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography", in Frontiers in Optics 2013, Orlando, FL, USA (2013)
- V. Jaedicke, S. Ağcaer, S. Goebel, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. R. Hofmann, “Contrast enhancement methods in Optical Coherence Tomography using spectral features,” in Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, Graz, Austria (2013)
- Artikel in der Broschüre "Der Mensch im Fokus – Gesundheit & Demografischer Wandel" in der Reihe "Lebendige Forschung an Fachhochschulen in NRW" (2013)
- V. Jaedicke, S. Goebel, N. Koukourakis, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. R. Hofmann, "Multi wavelength phase unwrapping and aberration correction using depth filtered digital holography," Opt. Lett., 39 (14), p.4160-4163 (2014)
- V. Jaedicke, S. Agcaer , F. E. Robles, M. Steinert, D. Jones, S. Goebel, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, M. R. Hofmann, “Performance comparison of different metrics for spectroscopic optical coherence tomography“, Proc. SPIE 8952, Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering VIII, 89520Z (March 4, 2014); doi:10.1117/12.2038891
- Artikel in der Broschüre "Menschen und Fortschritt – Forschung gestaltet unsere Lebenswelten" in der Reihe "Nachhaltige Forschung an Fachhochschulen in NRW" (2015)
- Marcel Lenz, Robin Krug, Hubert Welp, Kirsten Schmieder, Martin R. Hofmann, "Ex vivo brain tumor analysis using spectroscopic optical coherence tomography", Proc. SPIE 9697, Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XX, 96973D (March 8, 2016); doi: 10.1117/12.2214704
- Marcel Lenz, Robin Krug, Christopher Dillmann, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, Kirsten Schmieder, Martin R. Hofmann, „Local binary patterns for differentiation of brain tissue types inoptical coherence tomography images”, BMT Basel (2016)
- Marcel Lenz, Robin Krug, Christopher Dillmann, Alexandra Gerling, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, Kirsten Schmieder, Martin R. Hofmann, "Spectroscopic optical coherence tomography for ex vivo brain tumor analysis”, Proc. SPIE 10054, Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic and Surgical Guidance Systems XV, 100540L (February 14, 2017); doi:10.1117/12.2252141.
- Marcel Lenz, Cristian Mazzon, Christopher Dillmann, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, Michael Prange, Martin R. Hofmann, "Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography for Non-Destructive Testing of Protection Coatings on Metal Substrates”, Appl. Sci. 2017, 7, 364
- Marcel Lenz, Robin Krug, Christopher Dillmann, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, Kirsten Schmieder, Martin R. Hofmann, "Brain tissue differentiation based on optical coherence tomography images using texture features”, ECBO Mu¬nich (2017)
- Hubert Welp, Marcel Lenz, Cristian Mazzon, Christopher Dillmann, Nils C. Gerhardt, Michael Prange, Martin R. Hofmann, "Nondestructive evaluation of protective coatings for the conservation of industrial monuments", Optics for Arts, Architecture and Archaeology VI. Vol. 10331. International Society for Optics and Photonics (2017)
- Marcel Lenz, Robin Krug, Christopher Dillmann, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, Kirsten Schmieder, Martin R. Hofmann, "Brain tissue analysis using texture features based on optical coherence tomography images", Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XXII. Vol. 10483. International Society for Optics and Photonics (2018)
- Marcel Lenz, Robin Krug, Christopher Dillmann, Ralf Stroop, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, Kirsten Schmieder, Martin R. Hofmann, "Automated differentiation between meningioma and healthy brain tissue based on optical coherence tomography ex vivo images using texture features", J. of Biomedical Optics, 23(7), 071205 (2018). doi:10.1117/1.JBO.23.7.071205.
- Marcel Lenz, Robin Krug, Christopher Dillmann, Nils C. Gerhardt, Hubert Welp, Kirsten Schmieder, Martin R. Hofmann, "Classification of brain tissue with optical coherence tomography by employing texture analysis" - Proc. SPIE 10679, Optics, Photonics, and Digital Technologies for Imaging Applications V, 106790A (2018)
- Carolus, A. E., Lenz, M., Hofmann, M., Welp, H., Schmieder, K., Brenke, C.1, "High-resolution in vivo imaging of peripheral nerves using optical coherence tomography: a feasibility study", Journal of Neurosurgery JNS, 1-7 (2019)
- V. Jaedicke, S. Agcaer, S. Goebel, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. R. Hofmann, “Contrast enhancement for scattering samples in spectroscopic optical coherence tomography using pattern recognition,” in SPECTROSCOPIC OCT AND CONTRASTING TECHNIQUES, 2014. San Francisco, CA, USA
- V. Jaedicke, S. Ağcaer, S. Goebel, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. R. Hofmann, “Contrast enhancement methods in Optical Coherence Tomography using spectral features,” in Biomedical Engineering / Biomedizinische Technik, 2013. Graz, Austria
- H. Welp, V. Jaedicke, S. Goebel, S. Agcaer, N. C. Gerhardt, and M. R. Hofmann, “Qualitative Spectral Analysis of OCT Data,” in Proc. of First International Symposium on Optical Coherence Tomography for Non-Destructive Testing, 2013.
- S. Goebel, V. Jaedicke, N. Koukourakis, H. Wiethoff, A. Adinda-Ougba, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. R. Hofmann, “Quantitative phase analysis through scattering media by depth- filtered digital holography,” in Three-Dimensional and Multidimensional Microscopy: Image Acquisition and Processing XX -, 2013, p. 85891J–85891J–8.
- V. Jaedicke, S. Ağcaer, S. Goebel, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and R. Martin, “Spectral analysis and spectroscopic metrics in Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography,” in Frontiers in Optics 2013, 2013. Orlando, FL, USA
- V. Jaedicke, S. Ağcaer, S. Goebel, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. R. Hofmann, “Spectroscopic optical coherence tomography with graphics processing unit based analysis of three dimensional data sets,” in Proc. SPIE 8592, Biomedical Applications of Light Scattering VII, 2013, pp. 859215–859215–7. San Francisco, CA, USA
- S. Goebel, V. Jaedicke, S. Agcaer, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. R. Hofmann, “Signal Processing for Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography,” in Biomedizinische Technik. Biomedical engineering, 2012.
- V. Jaedicke, S. Goebel, S. Ağcaer, C. Kasseck, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. R. Hofmann, “Signal Processing for Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography,” in VII International Workshop on Biosignal Interpretation, 2012. Como, Italy
- V. Jaedicke, S. Ağcaer, S. Goebel, H. Wiethoff, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. R. Hofmann, “System development for Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography.,” in Biomedizinische Technik Biomedical engineering, 2012. Jena
- V. Jaedicke, H. Wiethoff, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. R. Hofmann, “Optical system analysis and optimization in spectroscopic optical coherence tomography,” in Biomedizinische Technik Biomedical engineering, 2011. Freiburg
- S. Ağcaer, V. Jaedicke, S. Goebel, H. Wiethoff, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. R. Hofmann, “Pattern recognition in optical coherence tomography,” in Biomedizinische Technik Biomedical engineering, 2011.
- V. Jaedicke, H. Wiethoff, C. Kasseck, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. R. Hofmann, “Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomography for substance differentiation,” in International Symposium on Optical Coherence Tomography, 2011. Illmenau
- V. Jaedicke, H. Wiethoff, S. Agcaer, C. Kasseck, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. R. Hofmann, “Spectroscopic optical coherence tomography for substance identification,” in Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Techniques V, 2011, p. 80911U. München
- V. Jaedicke, C. Kasseck, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. R. Hofmann, “Depth resolved substance identification using pattern recognition in spectroscopic frequency domain optical coherence tomography,” in Biomedizinische Technik, 2010, vol. 55, pp. 37–39. Rostock
- C. Kasseck, V. Jaedicke, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. R. Hofmann, “Frequency domain optical coherence tomography with subsequent depth resolved spectroscopic image analysis,” in Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Domain Optical Methods in Biomedicine XIV, 2010, vol. 7554, p. 75542T–75542T–5.
- H. Welp, V. Jaedicke, N. C. Gerhardt, and M. R. Hofmann, “SPECTRAL PATTERN CLASSIFICATION IN OPTICAL COHERENCE TOMOGRAPHY,” in International Scientific Colloquium (IWK), 2010.
- V. Jaedicke, C. Kasseck, N. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. Hofmann, “Spectroscopic Image Analysis with Pattern Recognition in Frequency Domain Optical Coherence Tomography,” in Biomedical Optics and 3-D Imaging, 2010, p. BSuD8. Miama, FL, USA
- V. Jaedicke, C. Kasseck, N. C. Gerhardt, H. Welp, and M. R. Hofmann, “Substance Identification in Spectroscopic Optical Coherence Tomograhpy Using Pattern Recognition,” in Frontiers in Optics, 2010, p. FTuY2. Rochester, NY,USA