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Contact person for questions about doctoral studies is the Junior Researcher Coordination.

The semester fees must be paid to the respective university in the case of a co-operative doctorate or to the THGA in the case of a doctorate with the PK NRW.

The point of contact for PhD students and for those who are interested in doing PhD is the Research Manager. He/She provides advice on questions regarding to PhD studies.

All enrolled doctoral students at the THGA are supported by a supervisor. This supervisor takes over the academic supervision and accompanies them in the preparation of their research work (dissertation). In case of a cooperative doctorate, doctoral students also have a university supervisor (usually their first supervisor). The responsibilities of the supervisor are set out in the supervision agreement.

Usually, a supervision agreement is concluded between the doctoral candidate and the first supervisor as part of a cooperative doctorate using a template provided by the relevant faculty. This regulates the rights and obligations of both parties over the entire doctoral procedure, such as the obligation to report and the frequency of agreements. Furthermore, it is necessary to conclude a supervision agreement between the doctoral candidate and the THGA supervisor, as the course of the doctorate and the obligations of all parties are usually recorded here. If a supervision agreement is desired and no template exists on the part of the university, the THGA's Coordination of Early Career Researchers will provide support with a template. A translation can also be provided in the case of international supervision or international doctoral candidates. The supervision agreement is also obligatory for a doctorate via the PK NRW and is regulated by the framework doctoral regulations.

The duration of the doctorate is generally three to a maximum of four years, but may be longer or shorter in individual cases and in consultation with the supervisor.

The doctorate begins with registration as a doctoral candidate at the leading university or PK NRW, followed by enrolment at the THGA.

The dissertation is based on the respective doctoral regulations of the faculty of the first supervisor in case of a cooperative doctorate, or on the doctoral regulations of the corresponding department at the PK NRW. Monographs or cumulative dissertations are possible.

Enrolment and re-registration at the THGA during the doctoral period are compulsory and independent of the type of doctorate.

A short exposé may be required for the application of acceptance as a doctoral candidate (obligatory for the PK NRW).

Individual compulsory courses are set out in the respective doctoral degree regulations. In addition, the THGA offers the PhD seminar for further training and networking measures.

There are three types of funding for a doctorate at the THGA:

1. there is the possibility of being hired as a research assistant.

2. the time of the doctorate can be covered by self-financing.

3 Or you can apply for a scholarship.

It is important to individually assess in advance which path is the most suitable. Research Management provides advice on the various options via and offers help with planning applications for financial support.

If all requirements are met, you can be enrolled for a doctorate at any time.

Every PhD student receives a personal drive. It is advisable to create a metafile to explain the storage logic for subsequent use.

The THGA fulfils its responsibility to communicate the rules of good scientific practice to its scientists and to protect itself from scientific misconduct with suitable procedures and measures. This is based on the "Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice" of the German Research Foundation (DFG).

The use of internal and external infrastructures for doctoral positions must be clarified in advance by the supervisor, see also Supervision Agreement.

The coordination of early career researchers at the THGA is part of research management and can be contacted via the functional mailbox Those interested in a doctorate or supervision are cordially invited to arrange a non-binding consultation.

The first point of contact in the event of disputes or discrepancies in connection with the rules of good scientific practice are the ombudspersons. They are elected by the professors and academic staffs for a term of office of four years (Ombudspersonen für die Wissenschaft - TH Georg Agricola). Their task is to advise on questions of good scientific practice and in cases of suspected scientific misconduct and, as far as possible, to help mediate conflicts.

The ombudspersons are contact persons for all academics at the THGA. Compliance with official channels is not required for discussions with the ombudsperson; the discussion is confidential on request.

The ombudsperson's consultations are based on the 19 "Guidelines for Safeguarding Good Scientific Practice" (see DFG-Kodex 2019). All enquiries are treated neutrally, fairly and in strict confidence.

The THGA has developed a strategic concept for the recruitment and development of professorial staff and will use the funding obtained from the federal-state programme "FH-Personal" in various individual measures under the ProF@THGA project (link) for the period from 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2027. The main aim is to fill all professorships in good time and with the best possible staff. The project also supports early career researchers.

To promote young academics, the THGA offers two options for a doctorate that demonstrates the ability to carry out independent scientific academic work: On one hand, there is the option of a co-operative doctorate in collaboration with universities with their own right to award doctorates. On the other hand, the doctorate can be carried out in co-operation with the “Promotionskolleg Nordrhein- Westfalen” (PK NRW) at the THGA, which has acquired the right to award doctorates.

The Promotionskolleg Nordrhein Westfalen (PK NRW, Graduate School for Applied Research in North Rhine-Westphalia) is a scientific institution of 21 universities of applied sciences in NRW. It was founded in 2020 with the higher education policy mission of strengthening cooperative doctorates and further expanding them together with universities. At the same time, the PK NRW is intended to create the conditions for doctorates at HAW under their own doctoral law.

With these guidelines the THGA explains the framework conditions and supervision standards for the creation of dissertations at the THGA.

The PhD/doctoral regulations of the respective faculty of the cooperating university or the corresponding department of the PK NRW are applied.

A doctorate lays the foundation for an academic career. In order to provide our PhD students with the best possible support on their career path, the PhD student seminar was established.

This provides structured support for THGA PhD students before, during and after their doctorate. As part of this structure, networking events, doctoral-related further training and interdisciplinary qualification programmes are offered.

To ensure the visibility of the group, two spokespersons are elected to represent the interests of the doctoral students as an official mouthpiece.

In case of conflicts within the research work and/or between PhD students and supervisors, both sides can turn to the Research Management or the Ombudsperson for advice and, if necessary, mediation.

In order to be admitted to doctoral studies, the doctoral candidate must fulfil the requirements in accordance with § 67 (4) of the “Hochschulzukunftsgesetz” of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia 16.09.2014 and have a degree that entitles them to do a doctorate (e.g. Master's degree from a HAW or university).

In the case of a doctorate under the doctoral programme of the “Promotionskolleg Nordrhein-Westfalen” (PK NRW), the doctoral regulations of the departments and the doctoral committees may specify further, possibly individual requirements that indicate suitability for doctoral studies.

In the case of a cooperative doctorate, the doctoral regulations of the universities may require proof of further academic achievements as well as other achievements that demonstrate aptitude for a doctorate.