Bachelor in Business Engineering

The Bachelor programme of Business Engineering combines the best of two worlds, as to speak: thus, it provides the perfect starting point for pursuing a successful career at the intersection of business and engineering. Business engineers learn to find answers for the following questions:
- How do you organise a market launch for high-tech industrial products?
- How do you organise projects that focus on technology?
- Which skills and competence do leaders need in the manufacturing companies?
- How can we ensure our market position in a globalised economy?
- What innovative working processes will support our company?
The lecturers of this study programme are all people who look back at long careers in business, either in management or engineering, and are willing to share that knowledge with our students.
The contents of this study programme have been developed in close consultation with the industry to meet the skills required in the job market. Methods and specialist knowledge of business and technology are taught in business simulations, practical projects and other forms of teaching that focus on practical use. Usually, students write their final thesis in collaboration with a company, i.e. they work on real-life issues and queries and find solutions for those. Often, this is already a stepping stone for their first job.
Graduates can obtain further qualification by choosing the Master programme Business Engineering offered at THGA.
THGA is a state-accredited university and does not charge tuition fees. The only contribution due is a small fee for the use of university facilities and public transport in NRW.
Facts and figures – overview
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.)
6 semesters
Programme start:
Summer semester and winter semester
Entry requirements:
University Entrance Certificate (non-standard entry is also considered), the Bachelor programme is taught entirely in German. Proof of C1 must be provided.
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Udo TerstegeHead of the study program
- Udo.Terstege[at]
- Telephone
- +49 234 968-3332
- Office
- G7 R012, Eingang F